
Call of duty black ops cold war pc version
Call of duty black ops cold war pc version

If your PC is using DirectX 11 instead of DirectX 12, you may encounter performance or crashing issues for newer Call Of Duty games like Modern Warfare, Warzone, or Black Ops Cold War. If you are getting a DirectX error when playing Call Of Duty Black Ops Cold War, there are multiple factors that you need to consider.īelow is a list of possible reasons for your problem: Game is running an older DirectX version. Sometimes, gaming errors may occur because a computer does not have the right DirectX configuration or setup. This “direct” communication is needed by developers so that games are optimized and runs smoothly on a Windows machine.

call of duty black ops cold war pc version

DirectX is software protocol in Windows that allows a game to talk directly to a hardware component such as a video card.

Call of duty black ops cold war pc version